How to Pack a Park Bag for Disney World

A lot can go wrong on a Disney park day. Toddler falls and scrapes her knee? It is good to have a first aid kit with bandaids and antibiotic ointment. Baby spits up on his clothes? Second outfit should be ready to go. It can be difficult to predict what exactly you might need until you are in the park and it is too late. That is why we have curated the perfect park bag, with just enough to deal with every emergency, but not too much as to make the bag cumbersome.

Scroll through to see how everything fits!

Park Bag 101

As a family we take organization and efficiency very seriously. We run best when we know we have everything we need and also know where our important things are. When planning our first Disney trip I knew the park bag(s) were a very essential part of our days running smoothly. I searched Pinterest to find ideas of what to pack and I also thought of the things we use daily for our toddler and baby.

We found that a two bag system works best for our family, though mileage may vary. We had a “Main Bag” (pictured above) and a “Reserve Bag” with extra things just in case. The reserve was most useful at the end of the day to collect miscellaneous items and throw them in before catching a bus.

Main Bag Checklist

  • Sunscreen – We always applied while in line waiting for rope drop.
  • Snacks – There are plenty of places for food in the parks but we sometimes there is not time to get in a long line. No one is hungrier than a bored toddler.
  • Diapers – If you have a child still in diapers you definitely will want to make sure to bring enough. Five was a good number for our nine month old.
  • Wipes – Perfect for messy hands, sticky faces, and of course diaper changes.
  • Sunglasses – Definitely important in that Florida sun. We did find that if you have a case for your sunglasses security will probably flag it and they will go through your bag.
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Mini First Aid Kit (Band Aids, Blister Patches, Tylenol) – You can find these things at the first aid centers throughout the parks but it’s helpful to have your own.
  • Autograph Book & Pen – Did you really meet Mickey Mouse if he didn’t sign your autograph book?
  • Charging bank & Cord – Going to Disney means you will be on your phone a lot: in your My Disney Experience app, booking lighting lanes, or trying to contact other people in your travel party. Have this easily accessible when in line for security.
  • Extra Outfits – Kids are messy. They are going to spill things or have an accident, so bring an extra outfit for each child. I like to keep each outfit in a Ziplock bag so that they stay clean throughout the day.
  • Insulated Water Bottles (we had one with just water and one with electrolyte replacement) – Very important to stay hydrated on those hot Disney days.

Other Possibilities

  • Ponchos
  • Waterproof stroller cover
  • Stroller fans
  • Dry socks
  • Umbrella
  • Light jacket for colder months – we went in early May and most definitely did not need a jacket at any point
  • Magic Bands
  • Extra shoes
  • Outfit if going straight from parks to signature meal
  • Motion sickness medication
  • Tissues
  • Nursing cover

Zomake Water Resistant Backpack

A quick note on the specific bag that we found. Amazon sells a brand called Zomake and they have really cool bags. The whole bag folds into itself and can easily be thrown into your luggage (see last picture from slideshow above). The bags come with two large beverage holders which were perfect for our 30 ounce insulated bottles. There are multiple pockets/compartments inside of the bag which helped to keep things like food and diapers separate. It did show some wear after the week, but they are relatively inexpensive, lightweight, and durable. Check it out on Amazon.

In Summary

There is a delicate balance between packing too much and not packing enough. Pack too much and your bag will be heavy and things will be hard to find. Pack too little and you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need that one thing that you decided not to bring. We hope that this guide can be a good starting point for your family when preparing for your next trip!